Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Exam stress: free yourself with these quick tips

Exam stress: free yourself with these quick tips 

In February and March the most common factor that causes stress among students are exams. As the exams draw nearer, a sense of nervousness creeps in. While these tips can’t really prevent you from taking exams, it can surely keep you from panicking. So this is how you start.

  1. Find out if you are stressed

    The first step to make yourself stress-free is identifying it. Do you,
    • feel tired?
    • ache all over?
    • cry and feel sad?
    • have panic attacks?
    • have disturbed sleep?
    • suffer from stomach upsets?
    • have itchy skin rashes?
    • get colds and flu?
  2. Change the way you talk to yourself 

    When you feel the signs above you need to first change the way you talk to yourself i.e. Self talk. Self talk is what you keep saying to yourself in your mind. Replace your negative ones to the positive ones.

    Negative self talk
    Positive self talk
    Oh my god! there’s so much to finish. I think I’m going to fail. I won’t remember anything.

    I can do this. I have given exams before.
    I think i am going to sink. I cant cope.
    This is anxiety. This will pass. I can feel better.
    This is terrible. I hate this subject. Why do I have to study it?!?!
    This is a temporary phase. Exams will be over soon.
    I am useless. I should have studied earlier.
    Now I have time in my hands. I am going to focus and finish what I can.
    My friends are going to fun of me.
    I have to focus on what I know and ignore what others think of me.

  3. Organize

    Getting what you want when you want is the key to keeping stress at bay. Keep your entire syllabus in place and sort them out content by importance. Begin with what is relevant and important and so on.
  4. Develop a strong support system 

    Those closest to you can help you when you need it the most. Rely on your parents, teachers and close friends to help you in doubt.
  5. Use a Personal Mantra 

    A personal mantra can be anything that helps you cope with the stress. Your personal mantra could be anything from "Keep going", "Aum", "Everything is okay", "Exams are cool" to the every popular "All is well".
  6. Distract yourself 

    Play Mental games such as making words out of another word or title or using alphabetical lists, or other such games to stimulate your brain. These are all good forms of distraction.
  7. Feed your Brain 

    Eat healthy foods like nuts, fruits, vegetables, fish, cereal to stay alert. Keep away from caffeine and avoid heavy foods as it slows down liver functions and makes you sluggish.
  8. Power nap 

    A power nap is when you take a quick 5-15 minute nap to feel refreshed. Sleep has proven to help with reducing anxiety levels and produce better recall of information. An all nighter will simply exhaust you.  
  9. Sing a tune

    Hum your favorite tune to see anxiety levels dip low.
  10. Take a break 

    A ten minute break every hour, helps you keep calm and study better. Studying for hours at a stretch  tires the brain.
  11. Exercise

    Physical exercise is as important as mental exercise while preparing for your exams. Get some fresh air. Go for a 30 minute stroll or swim, cycle or play.
  12. Say NO

    Setting your priorities is important. Pick and choose your where you go, who you hangout with and what you do during exams. Say no if it’s not important.
  13. Seek professional support 

    Exams are important but not more than your life. Talk to our counselor if it gets overwhelming.

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