Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Attention Scatterbrains!

Sitting with your book in front you,but feeling like going over to your friends place to catch up or wondering if that cool sale is on or if there is that tempting pastry to eat  in your fridge? Scattered. When your attention is in too many places it inhibits you to achieve all that you want to. 

Try out these short tips to increase your attention span.

Wiggle your Toes- Yes, sounds funny but this actually works. It brings you back to focus.

Clear Desk – Studying at a cluttered desk just makes you feel more confused and scattered. A clear desk allows you to draw sight on what is necessary.

Do it Piece by Piece: Choose what chapter you are going to study. Break it in parts. Take each part at a time. Finish it and then go to the next.

Target Window: Use the Target window sheet given below. Take a print and cut the window. Place this on your text. This window allows you to center your attention on what you are currently studying. This proves helpful for those who get distracted by images etc in the text.  

Cultivate Interest: Research shows that attention is sustained when you are interested in the task. Find out a little more about your subjects through your teacher, reference books, internet etc to develop interest in your subjects.

Sit in Quiet Atmosphere: Make sure to sit with your books in a noise free place. Check on ventilation and ample lighting.   

Use Highlighters- Use markers or colored pens to highlight important information. This should act as a visual cue.

Sleep/Fatigue- it’s difficult for the brain to attend to information when you are sleep deprived. A minimum of 7-8 hours is a must.

Stress- This is well known. If one is pressed with issues in the mind there’s hardly any peace to attend to studies. Stress prevents you from attending to important tasks.

Hunger - Foods rich in protein—lean beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, nuts, soy, and low-fat dairy products—may have beneficial effects inattention. Cut back on sugar, this reduces hyperactivity and allows you to focus. Iron rich foods help in attending to study.

Learn through Different Modes: Shift the mode of learning periodically. Use visual, auditory and tactile methods to study. Read, read aloud, listen and write/draw. All these help to create better recall. 

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