Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Study better with these simple methods.

Study better with these simple methods.

Sometimes students feel saturated with the overload of information that is absorbed by them while preparing for the board exams. After a point of time everything that you study becomes jumbled like the quintessential Indian "khichidi".

 During exams students feel overloaded because they have absorbed so much. After a point in time they feel frustrated and irritated. Two quick things you can do to feel relieved.

  1.    Make your own tune. Hum it
  2.  Eat a cereal bar. Crunchy berry snack!!  

Studies show that some study methods when adopted give better recall and help the student prepare much easily. Organizing your study patterns and routine will help you avoid the dreaded "blank slate" feeling students sometime get while writing their exams. Mind maps will help you remember better when you write the exams and are a proven method that help a person remember better.

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